14 March 2011

Missions are GRRRREAT!

Ok, so a lot of you already know that I'm going on a mission...well if you didn't, here's the news!!

I'm going on a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I will be teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to the people of Peru in their native tongue, Spanish. My mission is the Peru Trujillo Mission. I report to the Provo Missionary Training Center in Utah August 3, 2011 and will be there for approximately 3 weeks. After those 3 weeks I will move to the Missionary Training Center in Peru to further my learning of both the Spanish language and of the gospel for 6 more weeks. I am so excited to go and serve the Lord there and to bless the lives of those that I get to serve.

I have always wanted to go on a humanitarian service rendezvous to Peru, and now I really get to go! I am so excited that I can hardly contain myself. I have a lot to do to get ready for the mission, but I know that I'm in good hands and that I will be able to do all that I am supposed to do!

I will get both the coastal weather and atmosphere of Peru and the mountainous weather and atmosphere. It will be a great experience and I am very blessed to have this opportunity. Here are a few pictures of Trujillo.


  1. Congrats, Erynn! That's really exciting!

  2. That IS super exciting!!! What a fun adventure that will be!! In the words of Napoleon Dynamite, "Lucky!" :)

  3. Bahahaha, Cenci, that's great! And thank both of you! :)
